Ready, Set, Go! Online Applications Open Today.
st! Another season of college admissions begins. Today most online applications open for Fall 2012 admissions. and other state application sites, where I live, will see thousands of students login and submit forms over the next few months.
I know by now some universities have already received their first application of the year from those students who just can’t wait to express their burning desire to attend a specific school. Don’t worry; you aren’t behind! Most students will wait until school resumes for fall and they settle into their senior year routine before submitting college applications.
For those of us old enough to remember typing college applications on manual typewriters, August seems too early to think of admissions. Many parents think back to high school and remember waiting until sometime senior year to decide where to send applications. And in comparison the deadlines for the class of 2012 seem so early.
Some state universities have regular decision deadlines that seem more like early options. University of Florida has a November 1 deadline; University of Texas’s deadline is December 1. Students can’t wait until mid-year to decide where they might want to apply. With almost all applications due in the next six months, it is time to get started.
Don’t panic if you haven’t finished the process in the first few hours of the application season. You are not behind until you miss a deadline. Focus on your strengths. Ignore all the media hype and focus on what you need to accomplish this year. Remember you don’t need to worry about what everyone else is saying and doing; you just need to develop a college admissions plan and follow through.
Here’s wishing everyone a happy admissions season!]]>