The Top Predictor Of Job Success
“He sounds like he knows what he’s talking about.”
“I’m not sure what she said, but she sounds smart.”
Whether watching candidates debate, listening to a sales presentation, or reading persuasive articles, we have all seen situations where the person who can express him or herself eloquently and precisely is given greater credibility.
The business world spends a considerable sum each year to put executives through “vocabulary boot camp.” Here’s why – studies show:
- Attorneys with superior lexicons win more cases because they can effectively persuade.
- Leaders in sales say vocabulary is essential to their ability to sway potential clients.
- Graduate students with superior vocabularies were better able to present and defend their research.
- Have higher IQs
- Command greater respect
- Read faster and comprehend more
- Are considered more intelligent
- Interview better
- Are promoted faster and more often
- Make more money
Camille Harris
I would have to agree with your letter. To me a word fitly spoken
tells me the person is well-read, knowledgeable and is willing to learn.
However, your vocabulary should be contingent on your audience.