Recent “College Prep Podcast” Episodes

Every week I release a new podcast with my co-host Erin Wilson. We cover lots of topics to help students and parents with study skills, the college search, test prep, and admissions. 

Here are some recent episodes you may have missed. (If you don’t want to listen from our website, you can find us wherever you get your podcasts.)

Episode 525: College Essay Question: “What Will You Bring to the College?”

How do we help students to figure out what they might bring to the college experience or what sets them apart from other applicants? This is a great episode for students working on their college essay this summer. 

Episode 524: Tips for Visiting Colleges: Notes from Megan’s Recent College Visits

When should you go? Is it worth it to time your visit to coincide with their “special” day? Lots of tips like what to wear, what to ask, how many schools you should see, and how to keep them all straight in your head. 

Episode 523: Spring Start / Summer Start / Transfer Students: What to do when you don’t enter with the rest of your graduating class?

How do you get plugged-in? What goals should you have for socialization? What factors should you consider before accepting a delayed admission? What questions should you be asking? What should you do prior to your delayed start? 

Episode 521: Warning Signs When Researching Colleges

Approach with Caution! When you see these red flags, it may be a sign that the college on your list could be more of a gamble than you were looking for. These are factors to watch for as you research schools. They may not be enough to remove from your list, but definitely something to consider.

Episode 520: How Can I Tell If a College Is Good?

Everyone wants to get into a “good college,” but if we don’t rely on rankings, what are some ways prospective students can tell if a college is good? Megan shares the things she looks for including specific numbers that might help you decide if that college is a good fit for you.

If you have questions or topics you’d like to hear us cover, send me an email. We love to answer listener questions.

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